Tricks of Saints Row the Third: All keys, secrets and codes
If you just arrived in the city of Saints Row: The Third and you do not want to wait a second more to unleash chaos among the population, here is a collection with all the tricks, keys and codes of Saints Row: The Third .
Get all weapons, infinite money, any vehicle that comes to mind... the only thing you need to do with them is to enter your mobile, access the section of TRICKS from the Extras section, and add the Codes you will find below.
Of course, remember that if you use tricks you can not get trophies or the game will be saved automatically. Once you are entered, you will be saved on your mobile, so you do not have to write them again.
Skill and money tricks in Saints Row
- Cheese Get 100,000 dollars
- LetS rock Get all weapons
- Lola increases +1 the notoriety of the band
- oops reduces the notoriety of the band
- PissOffpigs increases +1 the notoriety of the police
- goody goody reduces the notoriety of the police
- WhatitManStome gains respect
- Golden gun deaths of a blow
- Run fast Infinite Race
- Repair car Arrange the vehicle
- VRoom Your Vehicle Is invulnerable
- Isquischyou Your Vehicle Crushes Others
World tricks
- Noted Everyone explodes
- Fry hole the dead float in the air
- Brains Zombie pedestrians
- DUI drunken pedestrians
- Mascot pet pedestrians
- Honcho Chili pedestrians
- Clear skies Sunny Time
- OVERCAST Cloudy Time
- Light rain Rainy Time
- Heavy rain Stormy Time
Arms tricks in Saints Row
- Givesheperd Get the 45 Shepherd
- Giveapoca Get the Anaphors
- Givear55 Get the AR 55
- Giveultimax Get the AS3 Ultimate
- Give baseball Get the baseball bat
- Give chainsaw Get the chainsaw
- Givecyber Get the Cyber Buster
- givecybersmg Get the Cyber Blaster
- Give blossom Get the D4th Blossom
- Give electric Get the electric pomegranate
- GIVEFLAMETHROWER Get the Lanzagranates
- GIVEFLASHBANG Get the flash bang
- Give launcher Get the GL G20 Grenade Launcher
- Give digger Get the Grave Digger
- Give grenade Get the Granada
- Givekrukov Get the K-8 Krakow
- Givekobra Get the KA-1 COBRA
- Give sniper Get the McManus 2015
- GiveMinigun Get the minigun
- Give Molotov Get the Molotov
- Give sword Get the Nocturne
- Givercgun Get the RC Possessor
- Cicerone Get the Reaper Drone
- Giver PG Get the RPG
- Give hammer Get the S3X Hammer
- GiveAirstrike Get the SA-3 AIRSTRIKE
- Give satchel Get the SATCHEL CHARGE
- GiverOcket Get the Hammer shock
- GivesSonic Get the Sonic Boom
- Givestungun Get the tasting
- Riveted Get the TEN Z-10
- Give dildo Get the Perpetrator
- Giveslm8 Get the Viper Laser Rifle
Vehicle tricks in Saints Row
- Give ambulance Make an ambulance appear
- Give anchor Reap an anchor
- Giveattrazione Make an ATTRACTION appear
- GiveBootlegger Make a bootlegger appear
- Give Challenger Make a Challenger appear
- Give commander Make a Commander appear
- GiveCondor Make a condor appear
- Liveable Make an Eagle appear
- Giveestrada Record an Estrada
- Riverton Make an F69 VTOL appear
- GivegatMobile Reap a mobile
- Vivekananda Make a Canada appear
- GivekenShin Make a Ken shin appear
- Giveknoxville Make a Knoxville appear
- Givekrukov Make a Krakow appear
- Givemiami Make a Miami appear
- Give municipal Municipal a municipal
- GiveNorcer Make a former
- give peacemaker Make a peacemaker appear
- Give Phoenix Make a Phoenix appear
- Give quasar Make a Quasar
- Overeager Make a reaper
- GivesAndStorm Appear a Sandstorm
- Give shark Make a Shark appear
- Give specter Make a Specter appear
- Levesque Make a quasar appear
- Givestatusquo Make a status quo appear
- Give taxi Make a taxi appear
- Give titan Make a Titan appear
- Vetoed Reap a toad
- Giveortado Make a tornado
- GiveVortex Make a Vortex appear
- Riverton Make a VTOL appear
- GiveVulture Make a Vulture appear
- GivewidowMaker Make a Widow maker appear
- Give woodpecker Make a Woodpecker appear
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Saints Row: The Third
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