Deathloop tips - all slabs and their locations and the best forces

Plates are a pretty important part of your arsenal in the Deathloop of the Arcane Studios. The first, the Colt receives, Reprise, lets him reappear after death in a short distance. Although they return to their corpse and to retrieve the lost residuum, it adds their repertoire essentially two extra life. When leaving a district or killing Julianna and the recovery of residuum from their remains, all reprisals charges are replenished. You can not update this disk.

But that s just the beginning, as there are additional slabs in the course of the game. You get you by killing certain visionary and there are a total of six. Not every visionary (like Wenjie and Frank Spicer) has a slab and to get upgrades for the ability of a slab, they must kill the appropriate visionary again and again. By killing Julianna, she also drops a plate or upgrade, although this is completely random.

After receiving a slab or upgrades, it must be enriched with residuum to ensure its availability in future playback. Plates usually require 15,000 residuum, while upgrades need 8,000 each. The best way to earn more residuum is to kill visionaries. It may be worthwhile to go through certain loops just to farm the material together with the required slabs / upgrades and then infuse them at the end. Remember - all residuums earned in a loop will be lost as soon as you start a new day. If unnecessary pieces of jewelery are purchased during this period, you can sacrifice them to get some more residues for infusion purposes.

Let s take a look at all slabs here along with their upgrades. The first is ether to get Egor Serling, either in the evening in the complex or in the evening in Updaam at Aleksis party. It grants invisibility for a short time, whereby the player of laser sensors can not be recognized (but not of mines, as these are motion sensors). Enemies can not be detected from afar, but are sometimes able to do this out of their way.

Here are the upgrades for ether:

Ghost - Energy is not consumed when resting while ether is active. Delete - opponents killed while ether is active leave no traces. Flickering - the ether effect does not end with attack. Instead, you will be briefly visible and then invisible again. Phase - reduced damage suffered, while ether is active and to be hurt deactivates the ability no longer.

Shift is essentially flashing from Dishonored and allows quick crossing of distances. You have to loot it from the remains of Charlie Montague, who hangs around in Updaam at noon. In addition to fast distances, Shift is also well suited to confuse opponents nearby. This makes it an ideal tool to quickly get out of a rough encounter (because confused enemies mean less aggro, which means less harm). The upgrades for Shift are as follows:

Reach - Travel with the ability to get bigger distances. Dropkick - The use of shift and kicking a enemy leads to a supersonic bang that damages enemy. Swapper - Switch the position with an enemy with the Shift key. In the air - SHIFT can be used in the air to float on the spot, which is good to negate fall damage.

Karnesis is the third plate and can be obtained from Aleksis Dorsey. He is only in the evening in Updaam to find where he organizes a party in his villa. Karnesis essentially works like telekinese - it allows sliding and picking enemies to throw it around. His upgrades include the following:

Zone - Karnesis resets all enemies within a certain range, rather than a single destination. Suspension - Heaved enemies float in the air and can not move. Meatbomb - opponents affected by Karnesis create an explosion that causes opponents nearby near the landing. Slam - When an enemy of Karnesis is affected, he is forcibly beaten into the ground when reused.

The next is Havoc you get when you kill Fia Zborowska. It can be found at the lunchtime in Fristad Rock. When devastation is active, you suffer less damage and causes more damage. If you do damage, your force bar will be used up faster, but it s a great survival tool for those who prefer a direct weapon game. Here are all upgrades for the same:

Retreat - While HAVOC is active, enemies add to damage to regenerate some strength. Euphoria - increased damage based on the amount of damage suffered while HAVOC is active. Backlash - When HAVOC ends, enter an explosion that causes opposing opponents. Bollwerk - Chaos escapes energy faster and you move slower. However, the suffering of damage is no longer withdraw with active devastation.

Finally, there are Nexus, a capability that Domino is similar from Dishonored 2. It can be preserved in the morning of Harriet Morse in Karl s Bay. Nexus makes it essential to connect enemies with each other. If you harm an enemy or kill him, all connected enemies are eliminated. If Nexus is ejected, it has a short range of sphere in landing. This means that you do not have to target a destination or group of destinations exactly to link them to each other.

If two goals have a reasonable distance from each other, they must work again to connect them. Also, remember that the energy bar runs as long as Nexus remains active on goals. More goals mean a faster drain. Here are all different upgrades that you can get for Nexus:

Attraction - NEXUS will go to enemies during action and let them unstable. Influence - opponents affected by Nexus form chains to near enemies. Parasite - If you damage an enemy affected by the ability, you can recover health. Protraction - The rate of energy access when Nexus is active is reduced.

If she plays as Julianna, she has her own special slab named Masquerade. It can not be updated and is automatically available when you play as you. This allows you to exchange your appearance with a NPC, including a visionary. You can use this to lead another player to a wild goose hunt when you spend yourself as a visionary, or hide under the other NPCs and fall to them. Masquerade, however, is very situative - if you use it and then hunt you a player, your movement will make it clear that you are in reality Julianna. Some players will notice this and others are not warned.

Best plates to use

With regard to the best slabs, it depends on your game style. If it is your thing, to become loud and kill dozens of enemies, then HAVOC is strongly recommended with the upgrades withdrawal and euphoria. Combine this with a high damage weapon and high magazine to maintain the effect, causing increased damage and to mature almost every enemy. Your second ability can be anything else, but I personally recommend Shift to get away quickly (if you still have power) to charge HAVOC and then enter the fight again.

For secretive players Nexus and ether are indispensable skills. The former can turn off several enemies on a blow, which makes it simply indispensable if you have it under control. Use influence and propraction to quickly chain groups of enemies together, without making too many thoughts about energy loss. For ether, the recommended upgrades are Ghost, Phase and Flicker. To be able to stand still, without consuming energy, works very well with Nexus. Of course you can also flee with Nexus and Shift when it goes south. A sound-damped pistol or a nail gun along with a sniper gun should complement the skills well enough.

If you are looking for a mix of both styles, HAVOC is recommended with either Nexus or ether. Without Shift, you lose a decent level of mobility, but that means you can switch off enemies quickly without triggering alarm, passing by stumbling wires and sensors and then doing tons of damage when you discover them. Ether is also incredibly useful to reduce aggro, as enemies are confused in their sudden disappearance, which makes it easier for escape.
