Five mobile games like Death Stranding - Death Stranding - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Try to play these five games at the same time to get a simulated kojima experience

Death Stranding is currently the last scream. After a fragmented but predominantly positive series of critical reviews last week, people around the world can finally immerse them in Hideo Kojima's new "Social Beach" system. With the exception of us on the phone, we stay outside.

Or are we? Because I have compiled a complete list of games that resemble Death Stranding. So'ne Art. Well, the thing is, I did not play Death Stranding. Yes, I know, Sony did not appeal to me, Dave, the Pocket Gamer. Offensive. To be fair, Death Stranding is hardly a portable game, but if Sony wants me to write about how I'm on Vita about remote play games ... Sony, do you read that? My e-mail is in the organic my author.

Considering the fact that I did not play Death Stranding and very little about it, although I played a long trailer playlist, I decided to offer a few games that in a certain way have elements of Death Stranding to them. If you try to do several tasks at the same time and play at the same time, you basically have the experience of Death Stranding. Just change quickly through the apps.


In Death Stranding you run a lot, and I'm not sure where. If you play Journey for the first time, you will feel exactly the deep inside.

You will hike over bloody deserts, enjoy wonderful views and watch impressive structures that reveal yourself in front of your eyes.

What your goal is is actually a bit enigmatic until you're almost done, and that's exactly what I think when I saw Death Stranding Trailer. The hell, a spoiler-free rating did not even help, even though it was an hour. But Journey is probably similar. I think.

1 Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

I'm pretty sure Normas Reedus is a messenger in Death Stranding and getting a lot of garbage in his pockets and things. Just like Animal Crossing. Exactly.

In Animal Crossing, many of your tasks will be to give the villagers the items they want in exchange for worship and gifts. It is often no bad trade.

Mind you, in the current version of Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, you can automatically deliver all these items for you without affecting the quest experience. I think Pete, the Pelican, who provides your gifts, is more of a Norman Reedus than your own character.

2 Call of Duty Mobile

I think Death Stranding has weapons in it. How, I swear, I remember a thing behind the scenes where you held weapons in cap suits? Yes, I mean, I'm probably right. There are probably weapons in it. Call of Duty Mobile has weapons.

But not only that, Call of Duty Mobile has a Battle Royale. Running around, collect loot, slowly run over hills and mountains. See? Just like Death Stranding!

When a pile of enemies go on you, imagine, they are these mules that appear in cars to defeat you. Basically the same.

3 BTS world

We were here before. I still do not know what BTS are. No, I mean, I understand you are a kind of k-pop band, but I do not know what you are, you know?

Has not one of the band members - Jungkook or something - a car accident and injured someone seriously, and his stans have hide this in social media? That's messed, yo.

Anyway, BTS are celebrities. Death Stranding offers a number of celebrities. You see where I go with it? Whenever you feel the need to experience dialogues and celebrities for 30 minutes, visit BTS World.

4 Lies tell

Finally, we have my favorite part in every Hideo Kojima game. Very cinematic, gripping scenes in which you think: "What does that mean?" Every two minutes. And that's what Telling left.

Telling read is the successor of Her Story and allows you to uncover a great puzzle in your own pace, while you masterfully run on a trail of clues that you discover when looking at a huge library of footage.

This adds the puzzle and cinematography that we miss in this mixture, and that's great, as both Story and Telling read the kind of game where you may still be insecure in the end, whether you are That actually understood history told at all. Just like a hideo kojima game.
